What is the best way to take black seed with honey?

Black seeds are extracted from a plant named Nigella Sativa, grown in Western Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. Black seeds are also known as Roman coriander, black cumin, black caraway, fennel flower, nigella seed, black onion seed, onion seed, or kalonji. It's a plant belonging to the Ranunculus family (Ranunculaceae) or the Buttercup family. Archaeologists found black seeds in the tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen, proving their importance even then. 

Black Seed Honey

Importance of Black seeds

Black seeds add flavor and spice to many dishes. They are used as a spice in many Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines and for various medicinal purposes for ages. The seeds are used to treat several digestive tract conditions such as gas, constipation, colic, dysentery, diarrhea, and respiratory diseases like asthma, cough, flu, congestion, allergies, and bronchitis, etc. Kalonji is also useful in lowering cholesterol levels and boosting the immune system. 

The seeds can also cure headaches, toothaches, nasal congestion, and intestinal worms. It is also known to reduce high blood pressure. Because of its potent phytochemicals and antioxidant capabilities, black seed can help to treat cancer naturally. It is also healthy for the liver as it helps to protect the liver and also process it. The seeds are mostly known because of their capabilities in treating Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. They are widely also known as 'seeds of blessings'.

The best way to take black seeds with honey

Black seed and honey mixed with warm water is the best way to have. Crushing six to seven black seeds and having it with a teaspoon of raw organic honey mixed in warm water allows the body to extract all the nutrients and bioactive compounds present in both the ingredients. Maximum benefits are reaped when black seed honey is added in warm water. It is advisable to have a glass of black seed honey, 30 minutes before breakfast. 

Any other means of consuming black seed and honey doesn't prove as beneficial when taken with water. 

Benefits of honey with black seeds

Kalonji and honey both have astonishing healing properties. Infusing honey with these seeds combines their healing capabilities and makes it even better at what it does.

Listed below are few benefits of the same.

  • Boosts the memory power

Memory and learning are essential cognitive activities performed by the brain. Researches on pharmacological studies state that black seed and honey consumed every day help boost memory power. This scenario could help prevent mental diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Dementia.

  • Healing wounds 

Black seed and honey possess incredible healing powers, especially when it comes to wound recovery. They exhibit a bacteriostatic effect, meaning once applied, it can prevent the growth and spread of bacteria on the skin and in the wound. They are good alternatives to antibiotics for the treatments of wounds, ulcers, and cuts. Black seeds accelerate the process of wound recovery. 

  • Weight loss

The mixture of honey and lemon in warm water is often recommended to help lose weight. Adding a pinch of powdered black seeds to the mix will work miracles in helping lose those extra kilos. Drinking a glass of this mixture every morning will help you get that amazing body.

  • Kidney stones

Half a teaspoon of black seed oil and two teaspoons of honey mixed in warm water helps to get rid of kidney pains. It also breaks down the kidney stones and cures infections in the kidney. 

  • Boosts immunity

Black seed oil, honey, and warm water can boost the immune power if consumed daily. 

  • Cures cough and cold

A cup of warm tea with black seeds and honey helps during cough and cold, of people of all ages. It can also help ease intestinal gas. 

  • Digestion

Black cumin seeds and honey have been used for centuries to treat upper gastrointestinal symptoms. These seeds can effectively reduce the symptoms of Helicobacter pylori. Helicobacter pylorus is a bacterium that can stay in the digestive tract and cause discomfort and damage to the stomach. Kalonji also helps with indigestion and functional dyspepsia. 

  • Alleviates breathing problems

The warm water and black seed honey mixture reduce the trouble caused by various respiratory diseases such as asthma, chest congestion, bronchospasm. This scenario is useful when done for at least 45 days while avoiding cold beverages and food during the period.

Other benefits of black seed oil

Black seed oil Dubai has various benefits apart from what has already been mentioned earlier. 

Black Seed Oil

  • Black seed oil for skin disease

In addition to its medical uses, black seed oil contains several solutions for various problematic skin conditions. As it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, it can treat acne, psoriasis, dry skin, and eczema. It also helps in softening the skin. 

  • Black seed oil for hair

With black seed oil, hair can also be treated. Applying black seed oil to thinning hair can help it regrow. It helps to hydrate the hair and reduce dandruff. 

  • Black seed oil for severe diseases

The black seed oil also helps in controlling the growth and spread of several types of cancer cells in the body, making it an anti-cancer. It helps to reduce the symptoms of arthritis and also helps in improving male fertility.

Key Takeaways

These benefits are why the black seed is referred to as a panacea as it cures everything from cough to cancer. Its capabilities are enhanced when infused in honey and water. Apart from these, it also acts as an excellent ingredient that benefits the skin and hair to an extent. 



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